- Herd – Group of animals/cattle is known as Herd.
- Digitised Cattle - Digitally assessed cattle by using advanced veterinary science concepts with the help of new age technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning models.
- Identification - The act of recognizing or naming the cow/cattle.
- Muzzle - The protruding part of an animal head which includes Nose, Mouth and Jaws (or) a part which is placed over the snout of an animal to keep the cow from biting or otherwise opening their mouth.
- Heifer - Female calf below one year age
- Intercalving Period - A period between two successful calvings(act of giving birth). The ideal intercalving period for cows is 12 months.
- Prevention - Procedures which will reduce the occurrence of diseases or clinical conditions.
- Primary Care - First line of recommendations/ procedures which will prevent disease.
- Abortion - Expulsion of dead fetus before the completion of gestation period.
- Sexual Maturity - This is the stage were all the reproductive organs become functional.